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So far Mountainview Veterinary Hospital has created 17 blog entries.

Top Tips to Tackle Your Pet’s Tartar

Think you know your pet like the back of your hand? You may have their personality pegged and a general sense of their health, but many well-meaning pet owners neglect one important area of their pet’s overall wellbeing. When was the last time you took a good look at your pet’s teeth? Dental health is [...]

15 Thanksgiving Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Thanksgiving is one of the nation’s most widely observed holidays, but the occasion can be dangerous for your pet. As you gather with friends and family to celebrate the year’s blessings and indulge in a large feast, take steps to safeguard your pet. Our MountainView Veterinary Hospital team wants to help by providing Thanksgiving safety [...]

Veterinary Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be used to manage numerous pet problems to promote healing and decrease pain, and can be safely implemented without causing systemic side effects. Our team at MountainView Veterinary Hospital provides information about veterinary acupuncture to help you determine if your pet could benefit. Veterinary acupuncture benefits Ancient Chinese medicine doctrine asserts that imbalances [...]

A Pet Owner’s Guide to Seizures

Many conditions can cause pets to have seizures, which can be extremely upsetting to witness, especially if the seizure is unexpected. Our team at MountainView Veterinary Hospital wants to help by providing information about seizures in pets, and what you should do if your pet is affected. Seizure causes in pets A seizure is uncontrolled [...]

Pet Vaccination Guidelines

Vaccinations help keep your animals healthy and happy. At MountainView Veterinary Hospital, we recommend vaccinations for your pet depending on age, lifestyle and risk of exposure on an individual basis. Some vaccines are administered annually, while other vaccines are recommended every six months or every three years depending upon the vaccine type. Common vaccines and [...]

The Heat is On: Prepare Your Pets

From sun exposure to weather conditions, vehicle travel, fireworks, and cookout fires—the summer heat is on. MountainView Veterinary Hospital wants you and your pets to beat the heat and stay safe. Learn how you can minimize pet heat safety risks, and what you should do if heat exposure affects your pet. Pet sun exposure risks [...]

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